纸本 设色 画芯尺寸:纵25.4cm 横31.4cm

painted on Xuan paper, Mea: 25.4×31.4cm

此幅是一帧工笔设色花卉小品,技法从宋代“院体”画中脱变而出。勾勒晕染,功力深厚。花、叶的线条工细 而不呆板,敷色艳丽而不浓腻,光彩奕奕、栩栩如生。尺幅之中,只着一花半叶,一株水草率意地穿插其间。 粉花黄蕊在暗绿色的叶片簇拥下,恰如艳影出清漪,十分鲜丽动人。工致的晕染,旨在追求明丽的色泽与花、 叶水分的表现;植物的筋脉甚至纤维也用细笔毫发无遗地勾出,传写出富有生机物趣的自然形象和明洁清润的 墨彩效果。整幅作品构图别致巧妙,采用特写镜头,以局部深入描绘让形象格外突出鲜明的方法,使整幅画面 显得气闲神静,甜润温雅,一股清逸秀爽之气荡漾于笔情墨韵之间,显示出特有的风范和魅力。
This painting adapted the close-up shot to give prominence to the appearance of the lotus. The whole painting looks elegant and natural, and we seemly can smell the faint scent of the lotus.
Xie Sun (about the 17 century), his style name is Xiang You. He was specialized in flower and landscape painting, one of the Eight Masters of Jiang Ling.
Price: $1100