纸本 墨笔 画芯尺寸:纵110.1cm 横42.6cm

Late Autumn Impression
Wang Hui (1632-1717) Qing Dynasty
painted on Xuan paper, Mea: 110.1×42.6cm

从恽寿平的题识来看,此图应为写实之作。图中墨笔绘池上高梧疏柳掩映书堂,坡头二人对语。笔法松秀,意 境淡远。在王翚众多的摹古、仿古 的弘篇巨制中,此种写实的园林小品犹显清新可喜。王翚的画再加恽寿平的 题字更使此画身价百倍,实可宝矣。
王翚(公元1632年—1717年),字石谷,号天放闲人、雪笠道人、清晖主人、耕烟外史等,出身于文人世家,祖上 五世擅画。他崇拜元四家,进一步提高了艺术表现力,是清代著名山水画家,与王时敏、王鉴、王原祁合称“清四 家”,加上吴历、恽寿平又称“清六家”。曾为康熙皇帝主绘《康熙南巡图》,颇受赞誉。
From the poem of Yun Shouping,we can see this is a documentary painting.An ancient school lying in the green trees and the reading plot make the painting full of poetic sensation.We seemly can feel the quietness of the environment. With the poem of Yun Shouping, this picture is really priceless.
Wang Hui (1632-1717), his style name is Shi Gu and the sobriquet is Tianfang Xianren. He was born to a family of painters. He quite appreciated the Four Masters of Yuan Dynasty, and through the copy to their works, he made a great progress, and became a renown landscape painter in Qing Dynasty. He was called on the Four Masters of Qing Dynasty, with Wang Shimin, Wang Jian and Wang Yuanqi. He used to paint the “South Tour of Emperor Kangxi”, and was greatly praised.
Price: $3500