纸本 设色 画芯尺寸:纵84cm 横45.5cm

Gao Tu Temple
Li Shizhuo (?-1770) Qing Dynasty
painted on Xuan paper, Mea: 84×45.5cm

《皋涂精舍图》是一件写实的作品,取鸟瞰角 度,画中山峰此起彼伏,道路盘曲,杂木丛生, 高台上的建筑则富丽讲究,周围树木不同别处, 高大粗壮,因此很可能是乾隆皇帝的一个行宫。 此图画得较为精细,师法元代王蒙,用细笔作牛 毛皴,用墨较干,浅绛设色,但不太讲究笔墨情 趣,带一定宫廷绘画的院体风格。
李世倬(公元?—1771年),字天章,号毂斋。一作 三韩(今内蒙古喀喇沁旗西南)人,实为奉天(今辽 宁沈阳)人,高其佩甥。隶籍汉军正黄旗,官至副御 史,曾任太常,人称李太常,乾隆时期的翰林画家。 清代《读画辑略》中记载:“善山水、人物、花鸟、 果品,各极奇妙。摹仿诸大家,无不神肖,官江南太 仓,见王石谷,得其讲论,后与马退山游,故宗传醇 正,笔亦秀俊。其人物,自言官神木道时,得吴道子 《水陆道场图》而阅之,遂悟白描之法。其花鸟、果 品,本诸舅氏之指墨,而易以笔,亦如王叔明之善 学赵松雪也,年逾八旬,犹能作画,书小楷。庚寅 春正,无疾而终”。乾隆年间前期,宫廷画院山水风 格以“娄东派”为主,有浓厚的文人画色彩,院体规 矩较为淡薄。根据乾隆皇帝最早的题跋乙丑年(1745 年),弘历恢复了承德行宫避暑和围场秋猎。李世倬 此画很可能是在随乾隆出游时,应命而作,并受到皇 帝的欣赏,因而多次御题。
“Gao Tu Temple” is a documentary painting. From the bird’s-eye-view, we can see the mountains up and down, the twisting road and the juggle, contrasted with the delicate temple. This painting to some extent bears some court painting style.
Li Shizhuo (?-1771), his courtesy name is Tian Zhang and the sobriquet is Gu Zhai. He was a court painter in the Emperor Qinglong era. It was said that He was good at painting landscape, human figures and flower-and-bird and he was also good at copying the works of the former famous painters.
Price: $3500